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"Communicate intuitively with your animal"

Author Corinne Dupeyrat

Prefaced by Jacques Perrin, director and producer of documentary films devoted to the world of Nature.

Rustica editions

Who hasn't dreamed of one day being able to talk with their dog, cat, horse or wild animals? What if, today, this dream becomes a reality for you?

This is what Corinne Dupeyrat offers you in this book: she makes you discover what is called intuitive communication by presenting her method, which you can apply, and her many experiences with very different animals. To help you get started and progress, she also gives you a lot of practical advice.

Thanks to this book, you will learn to listen to your animal and understand it, which will allow you to share a harmonious relationship with it!


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"Communicate intuitively with your animal" is also available at Fnac ,

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