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Corinne Dupeyrat

Corinne Dupeyrat championne de France de dressage

© Les Garennes

Corinne Dupeyrat and Tolando during the 2010 French Championships.

Internationally recognized animal artist and professional intuitive communicator for 16 years, I have gained extensive experience with domestic (companion or farmed) and wild animals.


High level dressage rider, I specialized in supporting professionals from the equestrian and equestrian world.

In recent years, I have also been developing the possibilities offered by intuitive communication with non-verbal people (people with multiple disabilities, autistic adults and children, etc.).


In addition, I am the author of the book "Communicate intuitively with your animal" published by Rustica Editions, trainer in intuitive inter-species communication and therapeutic dowsing .

Additional training


  • Formation Faune sauvage - soins aux oiseaux.

  • Formation Biorésonance Métavital.


  • Premiers secours canins et félins.

  • Formation Biorésonance Organotest NLSA2.


  • Formation Conseiller en plantes médicinales et phytothérapie.

  • Formation en Naturopathie.

  • Formation en Psychologie énergétique.


  • ​Initiation à la Médecine Traditionnelle Chinoise.

Initiation médecine chinoise
Certificat en Phytothérapie
Diplôme de Psychologie énergétique
Certificat Corinne D.jpg
Certificat de formation de conseiller en rééquilibrage alimentaire et nathuropathie
Certificat de formation en Naturopathie
Certificat de secourisme canin et félin
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