Corinne Dupeyrat
© Les Garennes
Corinne Dupeyrat and Tolando during the 2010 French Championships.
Internationally recognized animal artist and professional intuitive communicator for 16 years, I have gained extensive experience with domestic (companion or farmed) and wild animals.
High level dressage rider, I specialized in supporting professionals from the equestrian and equestrian world.
In recent years, I have also been developing the possibilities offered by intuitive communication with non-verbal people (people with multiple disabilities, autistic adults and children, etc.).
In addition, I am the author of the book "Communicate intuitively with your animal" published by Rustica Editions, trainer in intuitive inter-species communication and therapeutic dowsing .
Additional training
Formation Faune sauvage - soins aux oiseaux.
Formation Biorésonance Métavital.
Premiers secours canins et félins.
Formation Biorésonance Organotest NLSA2.
Formation Conseiller en plantes médicinales et phytothérapie.
Formation en Naturopathie.
Formation en Psychologie énergétique.
Initiation à la Médecine Traditionnelle Chinoise.